Life After Death  

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Have you ever thought of what will happen to you after you die?

If your belong to any sect of any religion then you must have come across some form of good deed/bad deeds and the Heaven and Hell concept. But we leave that for the day of judgement. What about before that? After you take your last breath, what happens to you from then on till The Day of Judgement? What happens to your soul? Will the bad and cruel ever get punished? Or do we just die and that's it.

In the Muslim religion, they believe that if your a bad person you will see the angel of death as a very scary apparition. You can pretty well tell whats gonna happen to you from there on...and it aint gonna be fun..

After the souls leaves the body the soul is earth bound for a while. During that period you can see what ever is going on around you but cant change anything nor contact anyone. If your a good person you may see the Angel of Death in a nice sweet form and things will be quite rosy. But if you have been bad then your punishments begin the minute the souls leave the body.

Here is an excellent video that tells of the journey from your last breath till your in the grave. You need not understand the words as the video is quite understandable but the words of the song coupled with the video send a real chill down your spine! Its in Punjabi Language and I will try to find a translation. But the main concept is what you sow, so shall you reap.

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